Gravity Control Idealism

Gravity Control Idealism attempts to understand the underlyiing dynamics of Universe, whereby it might be possible to control gravity and electromagnetism in a manner allowing for the needs of our planet.

Friday, June 17, 2005


Time is generally considered in terms of an abstract idea, associated with the motion of the Earth, which corresponds to defined linear intervals of time measured in terms of reference corresponding to single units of linear duration, such as seconds, minutes and hours.

Unfortunately this concept gives us a false perception of time, as we presently believe each second to be of an equal duration, as it is thought possible for two or more seconds to be of an equal duration.

Such a situation would require the Universe to exist in a static state, whereby it would be possible to define an absolute unit of measure capable of defining an absolute duration of time. But as our Universe does not exist in a static state it is impossible to define an absolute duration of time, as there is no such thing as an absolute second, minute or hour.

And in terms of a dynamic state, each second, minute and hour is of a slightly different value, which limits our ability to fully comprehend the meaning of time measured in seconds, minutes and hours.

If we consider time in the context of a truly dynamic state, we might realize that time is itself a dynamic force affecting the condition of space and motion, in relation to the condition of Universe remaining relative to the system of reference. In other words, time, in terms of a dynamic force, affecting a dynamic condition, is different for every system of Universe.

Therefore time is different for each of the atomic elements, just as time is different for each of the planets, moons and stars etc.

But just as time cannot be defined in terms of a linear duration, it is equally true that spatial dimensions cannot be accurately defined in terms of linear distance, as there is no such thing as an absolute meter, foot or mile. Equally there is no such thing as an absolute gram, ounce or pound.

In this respect no two meter rules are of the same absolute length, as each meter must be of a slightly different length, just as no two grams can be of an absolute equal weight.

In that time is a dynamic component of Universe affecting space and motion, time itself must be either accelerating or decelerating relative to each system of reference. This means that time is either fast or slow in relation to the dynamic condition of every system of Universe remaining relative to a single system of reference.

In other words, all other systems constituting the non-simultaneous condition of Universe remain relative to the system of reference, where our planet Earth is our system of reference.

I refer to time in terms of NON-LINEAR TIME FIELD FREQUENCY ACCELERATION, (ntffa), as (ntffa) is the underlying force of Universe which determines the form and function of all physical matter.

And in that (ntffa) is continuously accelerating symmetrically to the center of the Earth, time accelerates to the center of the Earth's core, a fact which is supported by experimental data.

This in itself is quite incredible, as the energy of the Earth increases proportionally to the center of the Earth's core.

Therefore there is more energy within the inner core of the Earth than exists within the rest of the Earth's structure, which contradicts our existing assessment of the Earth's structure and our assessment of energy.

We presently assume that there is a proportional relationship of energy and mass, whereby the greater mass is thought to possess more energy, which is partially true, but does not tell us the whole story. So our existing assessment is in error.

There is a definite relationship between energy and mass, but it is the smaller or lesser mass which possesses the greater proportion of energy per unit of mass. In other words hydrogen has the highest energy potential of any known element despite hydrogen's small mass.

In relation to (ntffa) hydrogen is a very fast element, as time is highly accelerated relative to the field of the Earth in which it exists, which is why hydrogen rises skyward. In this respect hydrogen provides us with a hint to the possibility of achieving gravity control, as hydrogen defies gravity.

Time is highly accelerated in respect to the dynamics of the hydrogen atom, in that the dynamic force of (ntffa) is focused to the center of the hydrogen atom's field.

Therefore it is not gravity itself which determines whether something goes up or down, but the factor of time associated with that which goes up or down.

To control gravity we need only find a method by which to modulate the underlying force of (ntffa) and shazam, we have gravity control, which is in fact a very simple process.

Time, in terms of (ntffa), controls the dynamics of any physical structure and as gravity is not itself a force of any kind, but merely a dynamic response determined by (ntffa), the relative control of (ntffa) affects gravity.

Gravity Control requires an apparatus based on the structure of the atom, whereby the field of the apparatus can be modulated, in terms of an (ntffa) modulator. This involves a dynamic configuration in the form of a four phase electromagnetic drive, which is capable of focusing the dynamics of field in any direction.

In other words, it is not enough to simply go up and down, as the apparatus must also allow for thrust in order to provide the required aerodynamics. And to this end there must be directional focus in not only an up and down direction, but also in a horizontal right and or left direction relative to the vertical up and or down.

In relation to our hopes of achieving gravity control it is imperative that we understand the dynamics involved, otherwise we are simply taking pot-shots in the dark.

Therefore I cannot overstate the importance of those basic principles involved, which I am attempting to convey under a variety of subject titles found here on Gravity Control Idealism.

Time is the key to our future, as it is time which controls our relationship with Universe.

At the present time, time itself is not generally considered to exist as a dynamic force, as it is assumed that time, in terms of an abstract idea, is the product of space and motion, in terms of a relative relationship. Yet, the space and motion of Universe is in fact the product of time, in that time is different for every system of Universe.

In relation to astrophysics, this should be clearly understood, but it appears that astrophysics is determined to maintain a position of defiance in this respect, as time is not presently considered capable of affecting the dynamics of physical structure.

If new energy researchers consider the possibility of modulating time, they will discover that every application which produces a potential of resistance, employed for the purpose of our human industry, involves not only a differential in resistance but an actual differential in time associated with the process involved. And that the differential in resistance is a direct result of an underlying differential in time, (ntffa).

Therefore, it should be possible to understand that a linear fuel supply is completely unnecessary, in relation to a solid, liquid or gaseous fuel, in order to provide for the energy requirements of our human industry.

A differential in time not only affects a gravitational response but also affects an electromagnetic response, whereby the internal and external dynamic responses of any unified field system remain inversely proportional.

So, in as much as time is accelerating symmetrically to the non-absolute center of field, it is also isometrically decelerating from the center of field to the non-absolute perimeter of Universe, in respect to the non-simultaneous condition of Universe remaining relative to the system of reference.

Plus, there is an upper and lower limit to the (ntffa) associated with any unified field structure existing relative to our system of reference, in that only those systems which remain within the relative limits of (ntffa) associated with our relative unified field system remain within the physical context of the non-simultaneous condition of Universe remaining relative to our system of reference. This means that there is a simultaneous condition of Universe existing beyond the relative non-absolute boundaries of our existing dynamic field state, which is not presently accessible to us by any generally acknowledged means of communication.

This does not mean that access to the simultaneous condition of Universe is not possible, because it most certainly is possible, but is simply not acknowledged to be possible in relation to our existing science and technology, which is fundamentally limited by the concept of a static condition.


At 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In relation to (ntffa) hydrogen is a very fast element, as time is highly accelerated relative to the field of the Earth in which it exists, which is why hydrogen rises skyward. In this respect hydrogen provides us with a hint to the possibility of achieving gravity control, as hydrogen defies gravity.
Hydrogen does NOT defy gravity. What a load of bullshit. If you let go of a balloon full of hydrogen on the surface of the moon (where there is no air, a gas that is more dense than hydrogen) it will simply fall at the same acceleration rate as a 100kg stone would do. Who are you to make up all this nonsense? Where do you get your ideas from? What do you actually base them upon? Did you not attend elementary school? Gosh!

At 6:03 PM, Blogger David Barclay said...

Hi Roland

Of course hydrogen is lighter than air........that seems pretty obvious to everyone....but what I am suggesting is that there is more involved here, which we have failed to consider. There is an underlying force sustaining and perpetuating physical structure.

Your hydrogen balloon on the moon would not fall, but would probably burst and the gas would escape into space.

If you do not understand what I am talking about, that's okay, you can ask questions and perhaps learn something, but to simply lash out at someone who has a different idea than your own is not going to produce beneficial results.


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