Gravity Control Idealism

Gravity Control Idealism attempts to understand the underlyiing dynamics of Universe, whereby it might be possible to control gravity and electromagnetism in a manner allowing for the needs of our planet.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Core

It is presently accepted that gravity increases to the center of the earth’s core, which would place a significant gravity well on the head of a pin located at the center of the earth’s core.

It is also accepted that the earth’s core consists of a sold or liquid metallic mass of iron and or nickel.

You have to ask yourself how this situation would affect the structural dynamics of the earth.

This accepted model does not allow for or provide for any distinction between the external dynamics and the internal dynamics, as the increasing gravity to the center of the core is merely a continuation of the external dynamics, which makes it difficult to make a clear distinction between the outside and the inside of the earth, despite the fact that such a distinction does exist.

It is not possible to physically access the internal dynamics of the earth or any other physical body from the outside as any attempt to access the internal dynamics merely extends the external dynamics while maintaining the integrity of the internal dynamics.  So digging a hole or breaking something into pieces does not provide any information concerning the internal dynamics.

If we consider the earth to represent a balanced structure it would seem natural that the internal and external dynamics should remain balanced.

Having gravity increasing to the center of the earth would not provide a balanced structure.  And it must be noted that we still do not fully understand what gravity is or if it is in fact a force of any kind.

If gravity is merely a dynamic response to an underlying force it is possible that gravity does not increase to the center of the earth, but that gravity actually decreases symmetrically from the surface curve to the center of the earth’s core just as it decreases isometrically from the earth’s surface curve into space.

The question would be to explain the mass of the earth in relation to the bulk of the earth’s mass being located within the inner core?

If the earth is viewed as a dynamic field structure it would seem reasonable to expect that an underlying force of energy would be involved in sustaining and perpetuating the earth’s structural dynamics.  And if this underlying force of energy increased proportionally to the center of the earth’s core it would be expected that there would be a significant increase in energy within the core.

Furthermore, if this underlying force of energy was in fact accelerating as Non-linear Time Field Frequency Acceleration focused to the center of the earth’s core we would find the internal dynamics and dimensions to far exceed anything we had previously considered in relation to our standard geometric evaluation of the earths interior.

We would then find that the internal space of the earth was inversely proportional to the external space of the earth, whereby instead of the internal space pinching out close the center of the core it actually expanded in a non-linear fashion.  Therefore close to the center of the earth’s core the space would be immense in proportion to our perception of the earth’s linear dimensions.

In other words, it would be impossible for us to determine the radius of the earth simply by using the circumference as our base point.  

We would also find that the core of the earth was composed of a gaseous mixture rarefied to the center of the core in the form of hydrogen.

On the basis of this we would also find the earth to be dynamically structured in such a fashion as to provide for a stable field structure.

A deep gravity well at the center of the earth’s core would correspond to the condition of a black hole, where the dynamics work in a reversed order from those of the earth and our neighboring planets, moons and sun.

Externally, gravity causes a falling mass to accelerate in free fall toward the earth’s surface, whereas within the earth the heavy elements are forced to migrate towards the earth’s surface without the acceleration associated with free fall.  Therefore the movement of the heavy elements toward the surface is slow and continues as an on going process.

This places the earth’s highest gravity across the surface curve with fluctuations increasing horizontally with distance from the equator toward the poles, vertically with increases in elevation above sea level and with increases in ocean depth measured at sea level.

There is a distinct differential in the gravity of the moon and the gravity of the earth with the moon having the least gravity but having the greater ratio of energy per unit of mass, which is associated with the attraction of other bodies.  This is why the moon has suffered such a large number of hits from meteors and asteroids.  Gravity has nothing to do with it, as gravity is not itself a force of any kind, but merely a dynamic response to the underlying dynamic force of non-linear time field frequency acceleration, which is always focused to the center of field.

The core of the earth represents an immense energy well which is uniformly focused to the center of the core and as hydrogen has the highest ratio of energy per unit of mass of any known element it is not unreasonable to suggest the possibility of hydrogen being produced within the core, in relation to the transformation of energy to mass.


At 6:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The core of the earth represents an immense energy well which is uniformly focused to the center of the core and as hydrogen has the highest ratio of energy per unit of mass of any known element it is not unreasonable to suggest the possibility of hydrogen being produced within the core, in relation to the transformation of energy to mass."

This is a strickingly similair conclusion reached by an article is recently read in Nexus Magazine. Sounds like we have a little sun (Son) in the belly of the Earth.

At 2:07 AM, Blogger David Barclay said...

I would suggest that the core of the earth is extremely cold and not hot.

A hot core would indicate significant resistance and an increase in energy to the core is non-resistant, so close to the center of field there is a steep rise in energy and steep drop in resistance.

So no sun in the belly of the earth, just frozen hydrogen.

And yes, it is possible that hydrogen is produced within the core, it is definitely produced within the core of the sun, which is a great deal colder than the core of the earth.

Remember that the inside and the outside produce inverse responses and the deepest bore hole to date has already shown that the increase in temperature with depth slows at about 7000 meters.

If you notice space is a very cold place, therefore it is not too much of a stretch to view the core of the earth as being very cold as well.

At 1:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are partially correct in my point of view. Cause you seems to define that gravity forces generated by all entity in this universe is similar (i mean the process not the magnitude) while the mechanical process of creating it still poses a mystery to us. How can you be sure that it is the SAME in most cases??

At 9:42 PM, Blogger David Barclay said...

Non-linear time field frequency acceleration is the underlying force of universe, whereby the basic dynamics of all physical structure are determined on the basis of one single force.

In this respect the underlying energy of force determines both the form and function of all physical structure.

I suggest you read chapters 1 to 7 of the book Unity presented on the main web site,

At 7:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It is presently accepted that gravity increases to the center of the earth’s core, which would place a significant gravity well on the head of a pin located at the center of the earth’s core."

Um, no. This statement doesn't cite its sources and shows a lack of understanding of the most basic observable aspects of gravitational attraction between two masses. Presently accepted by whom? Not by scientists.

I'm guessing that the source of this misunderstanding is the observation that if you get farther from the core of the earth, gravity DEcreases, so why not believe that as you get closer to the core, gravity INcreases?

Gravity is greatest at (or near) the SURFACE of the Earth. At the surface, all of the mass of the earth is below you and so you're being attracted toward all that mass in a single direction. As you get further from that mass, its attraction decreases in proportion to the square of the distance.

HOWEVER, As you approach the center of the Earth from the surface, mass "behind/above" you acts to pull you away from the center, lessening the pull toward the core.

The closer you get the the core, the more the pull "behind/above" you and the pull "ahead/below" of you begin to even out.

At the center of the earth, with equal amounts of mass all around you, the attraction to that mass in every direction would make you effectively weightless.

Don't believe me? Google it.

At 7:52 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Your site has helped me explain my son the change in gravitational force as we move towards the center of the earth.

Dr. Nikhil S. Gokhale, India.

At 8:50 AM, Anonymous Generic Viagra said...

I know that the gravity is so important to many things in the world, I remember when I was in the college and I had to study about it... it was so interesting!!!

At 8:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...






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