Gravity Control Idealism

Gravity Control Idealism attempts to understand the underlyiing dynamics of Universe, whereby it might be possible to control gravity and electromagnetism in a manner allowing for the needs of our planet.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Values

In relation to gravity control, in respect to a unified field of frequency which can be modulated in a controlled manner, whereby affecting a gravitational response and an electromagnetic response, it is important to understand the relative limitations of any unified field system.

Perhaps the best example I can employ for this purpose is light speed, in terms of C, in that C is considered a relative constant.

But in determining the value of C we employ single units of measure corresponding to scalar values. And in doing so we attempt to linearize the condition of space, time and motion.

In relation to the non-simultaneous condition of Universe remaining relative to our planet Earth, light exists as a condition of field where the condition of field is determined by an underlying dynamic force I define in terms of Non-linear Time Field Frequency Acceleration, (ntffa).

This gives us the existing condition of Universe, in terms of a non-absolute upper and lower limit corresponding to the condition of field as determined by (ntffa), where the non-absolute upper limit can be described as having a value of 1 (one) and the non-absolute lower limit having a value of 0 (zero).

So, anything between 1 and 0 or 0 and 1 can be considered a relative value corresponding to the condition of field, therefore the value of C cannot exceed 1 or drop below 0, because if it does the light will vanish from the non-simultaneous condition of Universe and remain confined to the simultaneous condition of Universe which exists beyond the relative limits of the non-absolute present moment, which has been experimentally demonstrated.

However, we persist in attempting to maintain the popular concept of a linear perception and in doing so defeat ourselves in attempting to comprehend the nature of Universe.

This allows the oil companies to measure out a limited supply of gasoline without considering the fallacy of the situation, as no two gallons are equal, as each gallon is slightly smaller or larger than any other.
The simple exercise of attempting to make an absolute measurement of anything is a futile and impossible task.

Yet, on the basis of this we find general agreement in respect to the value of C being exactly 299,792,458 meters per second.

In reality we have not measured the speed of light, but measured a reflective distortion of space corresponding to a linear evaluation of time and space, which we assume adequate to our needs in determining a relative constant.

But in doing so we completely miss the boat, as we remain oblivious to the constant acceleration of time remaining relative to the system of reference. And if time is continuously accelerating the condition of field must be continuously changing, whereby the Universe continues to expand.

Therefore, our linear standards of value cannot supply us with any useful information, beyond the general scope of trade and commerce, where there is a requirement for convenient business standards.

In relation to the value of C, we have set the value of C in an artificial manner, which in fact standardizes our evaluation of Universe to fit the current agenda, which is to maintain the validity of single unit measure. In other words, scalar values are the authorized norm.

The scalar evaluation of time puts us at a very real disadvantage, as it rigs the game, whereby we run in circles measuring this and that without realizing that the values are continuously changing.

If time is accelerating, the value of C has to be considered a relative variable and not a constant. Therefore the value of time is different for every system of reference, whereby each element has a different value of time, which is why the various elements are different.

Different conditions produce different results in relation to form and function, which in fact simplifies things considerably, as this allows a reasonable explanation for the continuance of physical structure. The continuous acceleration of time allows for a continuance of physical structure, whereby the only thing which remains constant is the dynamic nature of Universe, which is expanding relative to our system of reference.

The idea of achieving gravity control could have or should have been accomplished some time ago, but we have remained blind to the obvious.

It would appear that the condition of field remaining relative to the Earth is different than the condition of field remaining relative to the Moon, so it is the condition of field which determines the gravitational relationship between one system and another. But if we are restrained by linear proportions corresponding to scalar values we assume that the weight of a mass is determined by gravity, where we describe gravity as a weak force.

And if gravity is not itself a force of any kind, but merely a dynamic response to the condition of field as determined by (ntffa), the only thing we need to do in order to achieve gravity control is build a unified field system capable of modulating the underlying dynamic force of (ntffa) in a controlled manner.

And considering that the only force allowing for the condition of our Earth is (ntffa), it should be equally obvious that our Earth is not fueled in some mysterious manner by a liquid, solid or gas. And if (ntffa) can provide for the Earth's apparently stable motion around the Sun, it should not be too difficult to adapt this concept to an aerospace system.

We must get over the habit of employing linear terms of reference for the purpose of science and scientific inquiry, as they are not applicable to the purpose.

If a mass is in motion, it is in motion relative to the system of reference, whereby a mass which is linearly accelerating must be non-linearly decelerating relative to the system of reference, but if a mass is linearly decelerating it must be non-linearly accelerating relative to the system of reference.

In other words, the linear acceleration of a mass decreases the underlying energy of the mass, while the linear deceleration of a mass increases the underlying energy of the mass. Therefore we have a proportional relationship of energy to mass, in terms of a ratio of energy per unit of mass.

The Earth is decelerating and it's underlying energy is increasing, but because the Moon is decelerating more rapidly than the Earth the Moon's underlying energy is increasing faster than that of the Earth, which causes the Moon to move away from the Earth faster than the Earth is moving away from the Moon. Therefore the Moon has the higher underlying dynamic energy potential even though it is much smaller than the Earth.

The smaller unit of mass has the higher ratio of (ntffa), in relation to a relative ratio of energy per unit of mass.

Therefore the apparently continuous expansion of Universe is due to a dynamic differential in (ntffa) remaining relative to the system of reference, as the lower limit of (ntffa) is situated at the perimeter of field, while the upper limit of (ntffa) is situated at the center of the Earth's field.

This differential is so great that the relative rate of expansion is very close to the upper limit of 1 existing at the center of field relative to the lower limit of 0 existing at the perimeter of field, in relation to a unified field system.

In other words, the past is receding isometrically from the center of field, while the future is focused symmetrically to the center of field. So, the expansion of Universe has nothing to do with gravity, as the expansion is a condition of field remaining relative to the system of reference.

The expansion is not linear expansion, as the expansion is a non-linear relative consideration, which continues to accelerate relative to the upper limit of (ntffa) remaining relative to the system of reference.

And as long as the relative rate of acceleration continues to increase the rate of expansion will continue to increase in a proportional manner. Therefore, the value of C must continue to increase as the upper and lower limit of (ntffa) continue to increase, which indicates that the value of C is not a limiting factor in respect to our potential access to the far reaches of space.


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