Gravity Control Idealism

Gravity Control Idealism attempts to understand the underlyiing dynamics of Universe, whereby it might be possible to control gravity and electromagnetism in a manner allowing for the needs of our planet.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Field Control

Most of us believe gravity holds the planets in orbit around the sun, but in that gravity is not itself a force of any kind and what we refer to as gravity is merely a dynamic response to the condition of field, it would seem impossible for gravity to hold the planets in orbit around the sun or the moon in orbit around the earth.

Gravity is in fact a no show or a non-event, as gravity itself doesn’t do anything.

The relatively stable orbit of the earth around the sun and the orbit of the moon around the earth are due to a differential in the underlying force of energy determining the form and function of all three systems, in respect to an underlying force of energy referred to as Non-linear Time Field Frequency Acceleration, (ntffa).

As the acceleration of (ntffa) is non-resistant an increase in the underlying energy affects a decrease in resistance to a further increase in energy, whereas a decrease in the underlying energy affects an increase in resistance to a further increase in energy.

In respect to the energy potential of each system, the sun has the greater energy potential, with the earth second and the moon third.  But because the moon is the smallest of the three, the moon has the highest ratio of energy per unit of mass, the earth second and the sun third.

The dynamic relationship existing between the earth and the sun is inversely proportional to the dynamic relationship existing between the earth and the moon.

Also, the internal and external dynamics of all three systems are inversely proportional to each other in relation to the inside and the outside or each system effecting inversely proportional dynamic responses.

It is a differential in energy and resistance which holds the earth in orbit around the sun, in that the sun and the earth exist as separate fields.  The sun exists as a unified field of frequency where a non-simultaneous condition of universe remains relative to the condition of the sun, while the earth also exists as a unified field of frequency where a non-simultaneous condition of universe remains relative to the condition of the earth.  The moon too exists as a unified field of frequency where a non-simultaneous condition of universe remains relative to the condition of the moon.

The earth exists as a unified field existing within the unified field of the sun and as a unified field existing within the unified field of the moon, while the moon exists as a unified field existing within the unified field of the earth and as a unified field existing within the unified field of the sun.  The sun exists as a unified field existing within the field of the earth and as a unified field existing within the field of the moon.

The moon having the highest ratio of energy per unit of mass is able to maintain a stable orbit around the earth, while the underlying energy of both the earth and moon continues to accelerate with the moon having the higher rate of field frequency acceleration.

This situation provides both a differential in energy and a differential in resistance affecting the orbit of the moon around the earth.

The moon having the higher rate of (ntffa) is resistant to the acceleration of the earth’s field which is symmetrically focused to the center of the earth.
And because the field of the moon is accelerating faster than that of the earth, the moon is slowly receding away from the earth.  This is due to the differential in energy and resistance continuously increasing.

In relation to the earth in orbit around the sun, the earth is resistant to the acceleration of the sun’s field which is symmetrically focused to the center of the sun.  And because the field of the earth is accelerating slower than that of the sun, the sun is receding slowly away from the earth, despite the fact that the sun is at the center of the solar field.

It is important to note, that as much as the universe is acceleratively expanding so is the dynamic structure of the sun, earth and moon also expanding in proportion to their rates of field frequency acceleration.

Without a differential in the underlying energy of each system, where the smaller body of mass has the higher ratio of energy to mass it would be impossible for separate bodies of mass to exist, as all the mass of universe would otherwise remain as a single body of mass.

In relation to the ratio of energy to mass, the larger mass always has the greater net energy, while the smaller mass has less net energy but a higher ratio of energy per unit of mass.

A single block of a single element weighing 100 grams would have more energy than a 50 gram block of the same element, but 100 one gram pieces of the same element would have a higher ratio of energy per unit of mass than either the 100 gram block or the 50 gram block.

In relation to the attraction between two bodies of mass, such as the earth and the moon, an increasing differential in the underlying energy of both bodies decreases the attraction and causes an increase in the space between them.

Although the rate at which the differential in the underlying energy of both bodies increases is very slow it is nonetheless a process of dynamic modulation affecting field control.  In other words the process we are searching for which would allow for gravity control is in fact the very process which allows for the moon to remain in orbit around the earth.

As long as the underlying energy of the moon continues to increase the moon will continue to move away from the earth.

In relation to the earth/sun system there is an inverse relationship to that of the earth/moon system, but as the underlying energy of the sun continues to increase, at a much higher rate than either the earth or the moon, the relative dynamic balance existing between the earth and the sun will eventually become unstable and the earth will be forced away from the sun and into a new orbit.

The reason for this is that the earth has the higher ratio of energy per unit of mass, in relation to the earth/sun system.

If we consider the element hydrogen having the highest ratio of energy per unit of mass, of any known element, we can understand why hydrogen is so difficult to transform to a metallic state.

Hydrogen lacks sufficient relative resistance to accommodate a metallic state, in relation to the relative relationship of hydrogen existing within the field of the earth.  If hydrogen were situated in a much more highly accelerated field of (ntffa) it would be easier for hydrogen to be transformed and remain in a metallic state.

Hydrogen is so high in energy that it is resistant to the field of the earth, which is why a hydrogen balloon rises skyward, which is also true of a helium balloon.

If we consider gravity to have served as a stand-in while we attempted to understand the dynamics involved, we should by now realize that it is time to let gravity go and consider the application of field dynamics in its place.


At 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail,"

Mark Twain.

At 8:22 AM, Blogger M. said...

To a man possessed of an idea to change the world, there is no hammer and nail


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