Blinded by the Light
Light speed and the constancy of light speed is a touchy subject with many, but it is the one factor which holds us in limbo and denies future progress.
Our existing perception is that light travels in a linear manner much like a car, train or bus........traveling at a constant 299,792,458 meters per second on the basis of light traveling one meter in 1/299,792,458ths of a second.
The speed of light is artificially fixed to avoid confusion created by its fluctuating rate. So, the idea that light speed is exactly 299,792,458 meters per second and remains constant for millions and billions of years is only valid if the universe remains in a static state.
Our perception of light and light speed is the key to understanding the dynamics of universe. Without a clear understanding of light we are locked into a static mode of thought.
The idea that light from distant galaxies has taken billions of years to reach us is a fabrication intended to extend the age of universe, as it is impossible to view ancient history simply because we are located at a perceived distance from a distant location.
The universe is is dynamically structured and functions in a dynamic manner, which means the only thing remaining constant is change.
If you grasp relativity you will realize that the value of c remains relative to the system of reference, as the value of c is different for every such system. This means that the value of c is different for every atomic element, in that the value of c is a dynamic response to the condition of field remaining relative to the system of reference.
The measuring of light speed does not measure the linear motion of light, but measures a linear duration of time associated with the dynamic acceleration of the underlying field of frequency determining the condition of field.
To date we have confused linear and non-linear responses, as the light from distant stars does not travel toward us like a train or bus, which is why stars remain as tiny dots of light in the night sky. We see what there is to see at the moment we view the sky.
An optical lens modulates the condition of field, which can either increase or decrease the field of view.
Light is associated with an electromagnetic response and if we understand energy we know that the intensity of light increases with a decrease in energy and an increase in resistance to a further increase in energy. Therefore the underlying force of field which is non-linearly accelerating toward us, here on earth, is isometrically decelerating to the far reaches of space in a proportional manner, which explains the Doppler effect.
But, the light is not in linear motion..........the field itself is in non-linear motion focused to the center of field.
Therefore most of the light from distant stars is radiated isometrically away from us, which causes the viewed light to diminish in our direction.
There are no millions and billions of years, as this concept of time is an abstract human invention, intended for the purpose of convenience.
You cannot photograph ancient history through a telescope focused on remote galaxies, unless you know the underlying rate of field frequency associated with each star system viewed.
You can view history simply by viewing the moon or the sun, as the underlying rate of field frequency associated with those bodies is higher than that of our earth, but an increase in distance alone does not allow us to view ancient history.
The universe is not a mechanically driven static apparatus, but a dynamic system involving an infinite variety of field conditions.
Our existence is presently confined to the unified field of the earth, regardless of how far we might travel in space by means of linear propulsion.
We use the analogy of a train whistle to explain the Doppler effect, but a train is in linear motion. The analogy is not very helpful, as it makes not distinction between linear and non-linear motion.
The universe is acceleratively expanding at an ever increasing rate which remains relative to the system of reference, which is planet earth. The rate of expansion is proportional to the underlying field of energy acceleratively focused to the center of the earth's core.
From this we might realize that the light of distant galaxies is not in linear motion and moving toward us at the speed of light where it takes billions of years to reach us.
Light does not itself move toward us, as what we view is a non-simultaneous condition of field which is expanding isometrically away from us. Therefore we view the existing condition of field remaining relative to our earth, which has no relationship to our existing concept of time denoted in millions and billions of years. The existing view is contemporary to our present condition and not to the condition of remote and distant galaxies.
Space is not linearly structured, as it does not correspond to linear dimensions associated with our geometry. To understand this we can envision a conventional space craft attempting to reach the furthest stars. Our space ship would never reach its destination as it would be turned back due to the isometric decrease in field potential, (field energy), extending from the center of the earth's core.
Our space craft would gradually slow until it could not proceed any further and would be turned back. If it held together it would accelerate back toward the earth and at some point it would undoubtedly be torn apart by the process.
The acceleration of field is a condition of field in relation to a dynamic unified field of frequency, whereby this allows for changes to the relative condition of field extending from the center of field to the outer boundary of universe, but does not provide for the linear motion of any dynamic response.
Our perception of light in linear motion and or the linear bending of light does not help us to understand the dynamics of universe, as the linear motion of light would require the light itself to be in motion independent of the field in which it exists, which is quite impossible.
Light should be viewed as a relative dynamic response, in that the value of c is a relative variable, where an accelerating field of frequency determines an increasing value of c.
Both the past and future remaining relative to our earth exist beyond the relative boundaries of our existing condition of field and cannot be viewed through a telescope or any other apparatus located within the existing condition of field.
To access past and or future conditions of our field system requires us to access a simultaneous condition of field existing beyond the relative boundaries of our existing condition of field. There is no linear direction to past and or future, as non-linear modulation of field is required for this purpose, which should be left for another post.
(c)2006 David Barclay
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