Gravity Control Idealism

Gravity Control Idealism attempts to understand the underlyiing dynamics of Universe, whereby it might be possible to control gravity and electromagnetism in a manner allowing for the needs of our planet.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Values

In relation to gravity control, in respect to a unified field of frequency which can be modulated in a controlled manner, whereby affecting a gravitational response and an electromagnetic response, it is important to understand the relative limitations of any unified field system.

Perhaps the best example I can employ for this purpose is light speed, in terms of C, in that C is considered a relative constant.

But in determining the value of C we employ single units of measure corresponding to scalar values. And in doing so we attempt to linearize the condition of space, time and motion.

In relation to the non-simultaneous condition of Universe remaining relative to our planet Earth, light exists as a condition of field where the condition of field is determined by an underlying dynamic force I define in terms of Non-linear Time Field Frequency Acceleration, (ntffa).

This gives us the existing condition of Universe, in terms of a non-absolute upper and lower limit corresponding to the condition of field as determined by (ntffa), where the non-absolute upper limit can be described as having a value of 1 (one) and the non-absolute lower limit having a value of 0 (zero).

So, anything between 1 and 0 or 0 and 1 can be considered a relative value corresponding to the condition of field, therefore the value of C cannot exceed 1 or drop below 0, because if it does the light will vanish from the non-simultaneous condition of Universe and remain confined to the simultaneous condition of Universe which exists beyond the relative limits of the non-absolute present moment, which has been experimentally demonstrated.

However, we persist in attempting to maintain the popular concept of a linear perception and in doing so defeat ourselves in attempting to comprehend the nature of Universe.

This allows the oil companies to measure out a limited supply of gasoline without considering the fallacy of the situation, as no two gallons are equal, as each gallon is slightly smaller or larger than any other.
The simple exercise of attempting to make an absolute measurement of anything is a futile and impossible task.

Yet, on the basis of this we find general agreement in respect to the value of C being exactly 299,792,458 meters per second.

In reality we have not measured the speed of light, but measured a reflective distortion of space corresponding to a linear evaluation of time and space, which we assume adequate to our needs in determining a relative constant.

But in doing so we completely miss the boat, as we remain oblivious to the constant acceleration of time remaining relative to the system of reference. And if time is continuously accelerating the condition of field must be continuously changing, whereby the Universe continues to expand.

Therefore, our linear standards of value cannot supply us with any useful information, beyond the general scope of trade and commerce, where there is a requirement for convenient business standards.

In relation to the value of C, we have set the value of C in an artificial manner, which in fact standardizes our evaluation of Universe to fit the current agenda, which is to maintain the validity of single unit measure. In other words, scalar values are the authorized norm.

The scalar evaluation of time puts us at a very real disadvantage, as it rigs the game, whereby we run in circles measuring this and that without realizing that the values are continuously changing.

If time is accelerating, the value of C has to be considered a relative variable and not a constant. Therefore the value of time is different for every system of reference, whereby each element has a different value of time, which is why the various elements are different.

Different conditions produce different results in relation to form and function, which in fact simplifies things considerably, as this allows a reasonable explanation for the continuance of physical structure. The continuous acceleration of time allows for a continuance of physical structure, whereby the only thing which remains constant is the dynamic nature of Universe, which is expanding relative to our system of reference.

The idea of achieving gravity control could have or should have been accomplished some time ago, but we have remained blind to the obvious.

It would appear that the condition of field remaining relative to the Earth is different than the condition of field remaining relative to the Moon, so it is the condition of field which determines the gravitational relationship between one system and another. But if we are restrained by linear proportions corresponding to scalar values we assume that the weight of a mass is determined by gravity, where we describe gravity as a weak force.

And if gravity is not itself a force of any kind, but merely a dynamic response to the condition of field as determined by (ntffa), the only thing we need to do in order to achieve gravity control is build a unified field system capable of modulating the underlying dynamic force of (ntffa) in a controlled manner.

And considering that the only force allowing for the condition of our Earth is (ntffa), it should be equally obvious that our Earth is not fueled in some mysterious manner by a liquid, solid or gas. And if (ntffa) can provide for the Earth's apparently stable motion around the Sun, it should not be too difficult to adapt this concept to an aerospace system.

We must get over the habit of employing linear terms of reference for the purpose of science and scientific inquiry, as they are not applicable to the purpose.

If a mass is in motion, it is in motion relative to the system of reference, whereby a mass which is linearly accelerating must be non-linearly decelerating relative to the system of reference, but if a mass is linearly decelerating it must be non-linearly accelerating relative to the system of reference.

In other words, the linear acceleration of a mass decreases the underlying energy of the mass, while the linear deceleration of a mass increases the underlying energy of the mass. Therefore we have a proportional relationship of energy to mass, in terms of a ratio of energy per unit of mass.

The Earth is decelerating and it's underlying energy is increasing, but because the Moon is decelerating more rapidly than the Earth the Moon's underlying energy is increasing faster than that of the Earth, which causes the Moon to move away from the Earth faster than the Earth is moving away from the Moon. Therefore the Moon has the higher underlying dynamic energy potential even though it is much smaller than the Earth.

The smaller unit of mass has the higher ratio of (ntffa), in relation to a relative ratio of energy per unit of mass.

Therefore the apparently continuous expansion of Universe is due to a dynamic differential in (ntffa) remaining relative to the system of reference, as the lower limit of (ntffa) is situated at the perimeter of field, while the upper limit of (ntffa) is situated at the center of the Earth's field.

This differential is so great that the relative rate of expansion is very close to the upper limit of 1 existing at the center of field relative to the lower limit of 0 existing at the perimeter of field, in relation to a unified field system.

In other words, the past is receding isometrically from the center of field, while the future is focused symmetrically to the center of field. So, the expansion of Universe has nothing to do with gravity, as the expansion is a condition of field remaining relative to the system of reference.

The expansion is not linear expansion, as the expansion is a non-linear relative consideration, which continues to accelerate relative to the upper limit of (ntffa) remaining relative to the system of reference.

And as long as the relative rate of acceleration continues to increase the rate of expansion will continue to increase in a proportional manner. Therefore, the value of C must continue to increase as the upper and lower limit of (ntffa) continue to increase, which indicates that the value of C is not a limiting factor in respect to our potential access to the far reaches of space.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Evidence & Clues

During my search I have come across a few examples which appear to validate the idea of (ntffa) increasing to the center of the Earth.

The first one is an underground horticultural nursery near Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, located at a depth of 1400 meters underground, within the Creighton Mine.

At this underground site a variety of different plant species have been successfully cultivated, including vegetables, flowers and trees.

Grow lights are employed, as well as soil brought from surface sites.

The lights are turned off and on by a timed switching system as all plants require a period of night and day, where the plants rest during the period of darkness.

Not only do the various plant species thrive underground, but experience a 400% increase in their rate of growth. In other words the rate of growth is accelerated by 400%.

In relation to Jack Pine, the seeds are planted underground, where they germinate and grow for a period of 4 to 5 months. At the end of this short period a 2 year old seedling has developed.

All other plant species grow at a similar rate of acceleration. And in the case of flowers, such as roses and carnations, the colors of the flowers are vivid and well defined.

When these plants are transplanted to surface sites they revert to a normal rate of growth, but are found to be more robust and have a higher survival rate than plants started at surface. Furthermore, plants started underground and transplanted to surface are more resistant to disease and infestation than plants started at surface sites.

Results such as this cannot be duplicated at surface, even when state of the art greenhouse technology is employed.

Another underground horticultural nursery is located in the mine at Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada, at a depth of 365 meters. Similar results are obtained, but due to the shallow depth of this site the rate of acceleration is proportionally reduced.

The second example is found around undersea hydro thermal vents, where heated water percolates from deep within the Earth. And in this instance the percolating water contains particles of rock and mineral in solution, which originated deep below the sea floor.

Here we find accelerated growth in marine life, which is effected by the percolating solution. Also, dead marine life in the immediate area of a hydro thermal vent is highly resistant to decay, which suggests that the highly energized solution affects the cellular dynamics of the marine life in a positive manner.

It should be noted that this accelerated growth is uniform, in that the plants grown underground and the marine life growing around hydro thermal vents is not genetically altered in any way.

The particles of rock and mineral in solution retain their higher dynamic state, just as the host rock of underground mine sites exists in a higher dynamic state than found at surface.

I would suggest that these two examples indicate that the rate of (ntffa) increases with depth underground, whether under the surface of the Earth or beneath the ocean floor.

In relation to experimental bore holes, it has been found that temperature increases with depth underground, but at a certain point the temperature starts to drop off or decrease with even further increases in depth underground. This seems to indicate that the temperature at the center of the Earth could be very cool, if not very cold.

It has also been found that gravity increases with depth, in that deep bore holes bear this out. But it must be noted that a bore hole extends the external condition of field and does not access the internal portion of field, as the internal portion of field is always on the inside and never on the outside.

Yet, the highly energized host rock affects the growth of plants grown underground, despite the underground site being an extension of the external field, as is any hole in the ground.

These two examples would suggest that the underlying force described in terms of (ntffa) does symmetrically increase to the center of the Earth.

It would appear that we might become somewhat confused if we did not know that there was an internal condition and an external condition of field associated with any physical structure.

This I believe has thrown us off when we consider atomic energy, as we perceive a fission reaction as accessing the internal energy of the atom, when in fact we have not accessed the internal energy at all, but merely extended the external dynamics.

In other words nuclear fission does not allow us to employ the energy of the atom, as there is a relative increase in resistance to a further increase in energy without having accessed the energy of the atom.

The underlying energy of any system sustains and perpetuates the dynamics of physical structure, which means that the underlying energy is of a creative nature and is non-destructive. Yet, from what we know we might assume that atomic energy is destructive, but without realizing that this destructive force is not energy, but merely the effect of an increase in resistance.

In other words, atomic energy is based on a false assumption of understanding, which should provide us with a very real incentive in attempting to harness what we refer to as free energy or zero point energy.

In relation to fission, a fission reaction increases the energy per unit of mass. If this were not true fission would not be possible in the first place, as an increase in energy affects an increase in the space and motion existing relative to the system of reference. In this respect one of the two pieces is smaller than the other, while one of the pieces is bigger than the other, whereby one has more energy than the other.

This is similar to the Earth/Moon system, in that the (ntffa) of the Moon is higher than that of the Earth, therefore the Moon is moving away from the Earth faster than the Earth is moving away from the Moon, in that the space and motion increases relative to an increase in (ntffa) effecting both bodies.

In terms of gravity control, we can see that the gravitational effect is decreasing relative to the higher rate of (ntffa) associated with the lunar field, whereby the mass of the Moon is decreasing in proportion to an increase in (ntffa).

Therefore we do not have to worry about the Moon falling on the Earth or the decay of the lunar orbit, as the Moon maintains it's distance due to a differential in (ntffa) relative to the field of the Earth.

And as the underlying energy of the Moon continues to increase, the Moon will continue to move away from the Earth at an ever increasing rate.

So the trick to gravity control is controlling the underlying dynamics by modulating the energy flow to the center of field, in relation to a focusing of the field dynamics.

To better understand this we can consider a simple optical lens, such as a magnifying glass, as the lens affects the field existing relative to it without effecting the field itself, which is a pretty cool trick.

In other words the lens is modulating the field existing relative to it's curvature, without effecting the field itself. So there are two aspects of a single field involved here, one aspect of which remains relative to the curvature of the lens and one that remains relative to the Earth.

The simplicity of this is a little awesome I must admit, but it gives us some idea of what is involved in attempting to modulate (ntffa) in relation to gravity control.

A simple lens cannot actually modulate (ntffa) in a controlled manner, as it is a fixed system, in that the differential in dynamic potential maintains a specific relationship, but if we could design a system capable of modulating (ntffa) in a controlled manner the modulator would provide us with a relative system of reference existing independent of the Earth, just as the Moon exists independent of the Earth.

So the trick to gravity control is to build a system based on the dynamics of a planet, moon, star or atom.

Here we must be sure we understand the dynamics involved, as our existing standards can throw us off.

It is commonly assumed that when an electron moves to a higher electron shell it has more energy, and when it falls back to the lower shell level is loses this extra energy. But, this is actually the opposite of what happens, as the increased velocity of the electron in the higher electron shell decreases the energy potential of the electron, but increases the energy potential of the nucleus, as the underlying energy is always focused to the center of field.

So, when we apply a charge to a ring or some other similar devise it levitates, as the increase in resistance effecting the external portion of field affects the internal portion of field in an inverse manner, whereby there is an increase in energy relative to the field in which the devise or ring is situated. But once the charge is discontinued the ring or devise falls to the floor or table top.

What we have done is temporarily increase the underlying dynamic force by increasing the potential of resistance, but not successfully modulated the underlying dynamic force in a controlled manner. But if we consider the underlying dynamics we might realize that the control must come from within the devise and not from outside.

In other words, we must design the internal portion of the devise to modulate the system in a controlled manner without an influence originating from outside the system. It must happen from within and not from without.

This is the challenge, to control the internal dynamics from within, which in turn will modulate the space existing relative to the system. The system itself will become the system of reference, whereby there will be a non-simultaneous condition of Universe remaining relative to it, which will be different from the non-simultaneous condition of Universe remaining relative to the Earth.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Field Distortion

One might wonder how a simple field of frequency could affect the dynamics of physical structure?

To understand this we only have to realize that the molecules of all physical structure are made up of atoms, which in turn are the product of an underlying dynamic force affecting dynamic field frequency responses.

The physical matter of Universe is nothing less than field frequency response, in relation to the external and internal dynamics affecting inverse responses. Therefore there is nothing solid or static involved, as the responses constituting physical matter are purely dynamic, which means they are nothing more than a continuance of dynamic responses associated with (ntffa).

The idea of physical matter having solid substance is formulated on the basis of a purely physiological and psychological interpretation, based on our inherent ability to function and survive in the environment of our planet.

We perceive space, time and motion relative to our need to navigate and function within the environment in which we exist, in terms of sensory responses. And this in itself restricts us to a limited understanding of our environment.

However, we possess the ability to look beyond the barriers of our existing perceptions and see the true nature of Universe in the form of a purely dynamic condition. This means that we are, as is all matter, a continuance of what we were yesterday and a continuance of what we will be tomorrow, but there is no present moment where we exist in a static state. Therefore there is no now, as it is impossible to define now in terms of a single instance of existence.

Time does not stop in order that we might consider the possibility of time, as time is continuously in motion relative to the system of reference. This means that we cannot define a present moment existing separate from the past and future, as no such present moment exists.

To make this more clearly understood we must realize that time itself cannot be defined in terms of an instance or in terms of a linear duration, as no such instance or duration can be accurately defined or even demonstrated to exist, as the mere act of attempting to define an instance or a duration can only occur in the context of field frequency continuance, which is either accelerating or decelerating. And in this respect there is nothing perceivable that remains stationary in order that it might be evaluated in terms of a static state.

This is why our insistence that light speed should be considered a constant prevents us from moving forward, as we insist that it should be possible to define a constant upon which to base our assessment of Universe. In other words we want to make it possible to determine the size and age of Universe in terms of linear proportions, when in fact the Universe is not linearly structured or linearly dimensioned.

The idea that the age of something can be determined on the basis of a linear relationship undermines our ability to perceive our own situation, whereby we remain vulnerable to the errors of an abstract idea.

Any non-uniform field potential represents a hazard to the structural dynamics of physical matter, whether that matter exists within the biosphere or the geosphere. Furthermore, non-uniform field potentials affect the dynamics of the solar field system as a whole.

Therefore we might consider the non-uniform affects of our nuclear testing over the last five or six decades to have had some affect on the condition of the solar mass, as the influence of our nuclear agenda provides massive distortions resulting from the non-uniformity of our industry.

We reject such a notion out of hand, yet ponder the possibility of global warming on the basis of something we might be capable of correcting, without fully understanding the basic dynamics determining the form and function of physical structure.

Yet, we have evidence to suggest that our modern low frequency communication systems are altering the physical form and function of our brain cells, which we generally dismiss on the basis of uncertainty.

On the other hand we have the affects of high voltage transmission lines running in close proximity to human habitation, whereby young children are readily subject to leukemia and other such forms of illness associated with non-uniform field potentials.

And should we realize that our physical continuance was itself nothing less than a field of frequency, we might consider the possibility that a non-uniform potential is very effective in distorting the relative continuance of uniformity associated with our field of frequency.

To date our ability to affect change has been limited to an increased potential of resistance, which corresponds to a decrease in the available underlying energy. But should we develop high energy systems it would be possible to cause physical matter to simply vanish.

In other words it might be possible to shoot holes in the very fabric of space, whereby planes, tanks, trucks or ships could be made to simply vanish.

I give this as an example in order to make a point concerning the dangers of non-uniformity, as the affects of non-uniformity are hazardous to the various life forms existing on our planet.

A non-uniform potential results from the non-uniform underlying energy potential of a field situated within a field, in that the potential of energy affecting the potential of resistance is beyond the non-absolute limits of the uniform field of frequency in which we presently exist.

To make this point clearly understood we might consider the energy deficiency of uranium, in that uranium exists in a non-uniform state relative to the uniform field in which it exists. In other words the underlying energy potential of uranium is too low to sustain a stable field structure. And as such the uranium is attempting to adapt to the environment by decreasing it's mass resistance and increasing it's energy potential relative to the field in which it exists, by means of nuclear decay.

In turn uranium affects the fabric of the environment by distorting the more highly energized fields of frequency, and in this respect the more highly energized elements are vulnerable to distortion, which puts hydrogen at the top of the endangered list, whereby any molecules containing hydrogen are more susceptible to distortion than those containing elements denoted at the other end of the periodic table.

And considering that hydrogen is the basic constituent of any life form, it should not be surprising to discover that the more highly complex life forms should be more noticeably affected.

Furthermore, it can be shown that memory, in terms of learned perceptions and concepts, exist as a continuance of field frequency, therefore it is possible for the continuance of memory to be distorted, which would affect the survival of life forms dependent upon the application of learned knowledge.

This in itself might very well reduce the intellectual capacity of the human species to discern those basic requirements for survival, while increasing destructive tendencies.

At the present we generally ignore the affects of field distortion, while attempting to find more politically favorable explanations for a variety of illness and disease, including genetic alterations and deformities affecting viral and biological agents.

Consequently it is not too difficult to understand the inherent hazards and risks involved in denying the existence of field distortion, as the factors of non-uniformity are being proliferated at an alarming and dangerous rate.

Therefore the possibility of gravity control is not limited to the theoretical aspirations of a few idle dreamers, but represents a fundamental desire for the human species to survive despite the inherent limitations of existing standards.

Friday, June 17, 2005


Time is generally considered in terms of an abstract idea, associated with the motion of the Earth, which corresponds to defined linear intervals of time measured in terms of reference corresponding to single units of linear duration, such as seconds, minutes and hours.

Unfortunately this concept gives us a false perception of time, as we presently believe each second to be of an equal duration, as it is thought possible for two or more seconds to be of an equal duration.

Such a situation would require the Universe to exist in a static state, whereby it would be possible to define an absolute unit of measure capable of defining an absolute duration of time. But as our Universe does not exist in a static state it is impossible to define an absolute duration of time, as there is no such thing as an absolute second, minute or hour.

And in terms of a dynamic state, each second, minute and hour is of a slightly different value, which limits our ability to fully comprehend the meaning of time measured in seconds, minutes and hours.

If we consider time in the context of a truly dynamic state, we might realize that time is itself a dynamic force affecting the condition of space and motion, in relation to the condition of Universe remaining relative to the system of reference. In other words, time, in terms of a dynamic force, affecting a dynamic condition, is different for every system of Universe.

Therefore time is different for each of the atomic elements, just as time is different for each of the planets, moons and stars etc.

But just as time cannot be defined in terms of a linear duration, it is equally true that spatial dimensions cannot be accurately defined in terms of linear distance, as there is no such thing as an absolute meter, foot or mile. Equally there is no such thing as an absolute gram, ounce or pound.

In this respect no two meter rules are of the same absolute length, as each meter must be of a slightly different length, just as no two grams can be of an absolute equal weight.

In that time is a dynamic component of Universe affecting space and motion, time itself must be either accelerating or decelerating relative to each system of reference. This means that time is either fast or slow in relation to the dynamic condition of every system of Universe remaining relative to a single system of reference.

In other words, all other systems constituting the non-simultaneous condition of Universe remain relative to the system of reference, where our planet Earth is our system of reference.

I refer to time in terms of NON-LINEAR TIME FIELD FREQUENCY ACCELERATION, (ntffa), as (ntffa) is the underlying force of Universe which determines the form and function of all physical matter.

And in that (ntffa) is continuously accelerating symmetrically to the center of the Earth, time accelerates to the center of the Earth's core, a fact which is supported by experimental data.

This in itself is quite incredible, as the energy of the Earth increases proportionally to the center of the Earth's core.

Therefore there is more energy within the inner core of the Earth than exists within the rest of the Earth's structure, which contradicts our existing assessment of the Earth's structure and our assessment of energy.

We presently assume that there is a proportional relationship of energy and mass, whereby the greater mass is thought to possess more energy, which is partially true, but does not tell us the whole story. So our existing assessment is in error.

There is a definite relationship between energy and mass, but it is the smaller or lesser mass which possesses the greater proportion of energy per unit of mass. In other words hydrogen has the highest energy potential of any known element despite hydrogen's small mass.

In relation to (ntffa) hydrogen is a very fast element, as time is highly accelerated relative to the field of the Earth in which it exists, which is why hydrogen rises skyward. In this respect hydrogen provides us with a hint to the possibility of achieving gravity control, as hydrogen defies gravity.

Time is highly accelerated in respect to the dynamics of the hydrogen atom, in that the dynamic force of (ntffa) is focused to the center of the hydrogen atom's field.

Therefore it is not gravity itself which determines whether something goes up or down, but the factor of time associated with that which goes up or down.

To control gravity we need only find a method by which to modulate the underlying force of (ntffa) and shazam, we have gravity control, which is in fact a very simple process.

Time, in terms of (ntffa), controls the dynamics of any physical structure and as gravity is not itself a force of any kind, but merely a dynamic response determined by (ntffa), the relative control of (ntffa) affects gravity.

Gravity Control requires an apparatus based on the structure of the atom, whereby the field of the apparatus can be modulated, in terms of an (ntffa) modulator. This involves a dynamic configuration in the form of a four phase electromagnetic drive, which is capable of focusing the dynamics of field in any direction.

In other words, it is not enough to simply go up and down, as the apparatus must also allow for thrust in order to provide the required aerodynamics. And to this end there must be directional focus in not only an up and down direction, but also in a horizontal right and or left direction relative to the vertical up and or down.

In relation to our hopes of achieving gravity control it is imperative that we understand the dynamics involved, otherwise we are simply taking pot-shots in the dark.

Therefore I cannot overstate the importance of those basic principles involved, which I am attempting to convey under a variety of subject titles found here on Gravity Control Idealism.

Time is the key to our future, as it is time which controls our relationship with Universe.

At the present time, time itself is not generally considered to exist as a dynamic force, as it is assumed that time, in terms of an abstract idea, is the product of space and motion, in terms of a relative relationship. Yet, the space and motion of Universe is in fact the product of time, in that time is different for every system of Universe.

In relation to astrophysics, this should be clearly understood, but it appears that astrophysics is determined to maintain a position of defiance in this respect, as time is not presently considered capable of affecting the dynamics of physical structure.

If new energy researchers consider the possibility of modulating time, they will discover that every application which produces a potential of resistance, employed for the purpose of our human industry, involves not only a differential in resistance but an actual differential in time associated with the process involved. And that the differential in resistance is a direct result of an underlying differential in time, (ntffa).

Therefore, it should be possible to understand that a linear fuel supply is completely unnecessary, in relation to a solid, liquid or gaseous fuel, in order to provide for the energy requirements of our human industry.

A differential in time not only affects a gravitational response but also affects an electromagnetic response, whereby the internal and external dynamic responses of any unified field system remain inversely proportional.

So, in as much as time is accelerating symmetrically to the non-absolute center of field, it is also isometrically decelerating from the center of field to the non-absolute perimeter of Universe, in respect to the non-simultaneous condition of Universe remaining relative to the system of reference.

Plus, there is an upper and lower limit to the (ntffa) associated with any unified field structure existing relative to our system of reference, in that only those systems which remain within the relative limits of (ntffa) associated with our relative unified field system remain within the physical context of the non-simultaneous condition of Universe remaining relative to our system of reference. This means that there is a simultaneous condition of Universe existing beyond the relative non-absolute boundaries of our existing dynamic field state, which is not presently accessible to us by any generally acknowledged means of communication.

This does not mean that access to the simultaneous condition of Universe is not possible, because it most certainly is possible, but is simply not acknowledged to be possible in relation to our existing science and technology, which is fundamentally limited by the concept of a static condition.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Gravity XXXX

We refer to gravity as a force, yet gravity is not itself a force of any kind, but exists as a dynamic response to non-linear time field frequency acceleration, (ntffa), the underlying force remaining relative to our planet Earth.

In an equal manner we refer to centrifugal force existing as an inverse affect of gravity, but like gravity the centrifugal affect is not itself a force of any kind.

The field of our planet represents a dynamically balanced field, consequently the gravitational response corresponds to that of a dynamically balanced field structure, in that the gravitational response diminishes in both an outward direction and an inward direction.

This means that the Earth's greatest potential of gravity exists along the surface curve of the Earth, as the gravitational potential decreases symmetrically to the center of the Earth and isometrically into space. At the nonabsolute center of the Earth the relative potential of gravity has a non-absolute value of zero, which corresponds to the nonabsolute upper limit of (ntffa), described in terms of (c+).

In this respect the bulk of the Earth's mass, existing within the inner core, does not correspond to a gravitational potential, but exists as a relative affect of (ntffa) increasing proportionally to the center of field. In other words it is the dynamic energy potential of (ntffa) increasing to the center of field which determines the bulk of the Earth's mass to be located within the inner core.

The Earth exists as an oblate spheroid, in that the poles are somewhat flattened. Also, there is an equatorial bulge whereby there is a defined decrease in gravity extending from the poles to the equator, which has been commonly explained as an affect of centrifugal force, in that centrifugal force has been considered to be an inverse affect of gravity. But as neither the gravitational affect or the centrifugal affect represent a force of any kind, centrifugal force does not explain the equatorial bulge.

Both the flattening of the poles and the equatorial bulge correspond to the dynamic condition of the Earth's field structure. Therefore it is possible to understand that the decrease in gravity extending from the poles to the equator and the increase in gravity extending from the equator to the poles is due to an unequal but proportional distribution of dynamic force extending horizontally over the external surface curve of the Earth.

The differential in gravity existing between the poles and the equator affects an actual decrease in weight at the equator, which amounts to a decrease of 1 gram for every 190 grams of weight, which is not much of a difference, but a difference nonetheless.

It is this condition which represents a most difficult challenge in attempting to understand the dynamic structure of our planet, so it is critical to acknowledge that the exterior dynamics and the interior dynamics produce different affects. And in respect to the surface curve of the Earth this can appear a little confusing due to the non-absolute nature of the structural boundary separating the interior from the exterior. And whether we are on the surface of the Earth, Moon or Mars etc. We will find some small differential in gravity existing between the equator and the poles.

In order to understand this difference in gravity existing between the equator and the poles we must first understand that non-linear dynamics work in a unique manner, whereby an increase in (ntffa) affects a decrease in resistance to a further increase in (ntffa), whereby the higher rate of (ntffa) the lower the dynamic resistance to a further increase in (ntffa). And as (ntffa) increases to the center of the Earth, the factor of resistance decreases to the center of the Earth.

Therefore the greater resistance is found to exist across the surface curve of the Earth and as the equatorial radius of the Earth is slightly greater than the polar radius there is less dynamic energy at the equator affecting a horizontal belt of increased resistance. Therefore there is a higher proportional degree of resistance affecting the internal and external dynamic structure of the Earth at the equator than exists anywhere else on or within the Earth.

This increased potential of dynamic resistance causes a differential in the dynamic energy potential of (ntffa) existing between the equator and the poles, which causes the equator to bulge slightly and for the poles to be slightly flattened. Therefore the equatorial bulge and the flattening of the poles is an affect caused by the internal and external dynamics of the Earth's field structure.

In respect to the increased gravity existing at the poles, this is merely a proportional relationship corresponding to a differential in resistance existing between the equator and the poles, in respect to the external dynamics affecting the condition existing across the surface curve of the Earth.

There is a decrease in gravity extending from the poles to the equator, as the increased radius at the equator extends the external field of the Earth in an outwardly curved arc, in relation to the surface curve of the Earth extending horizontally from one pole across the equator to the other pole.

Also, located at the poles is the maximum dynamic energy affecting the external dynamics of the Earth's structure, which affectively contributes to the flattening in the area surrounding the poles.

I would suggest that the degree of flattening at the poles and the extent of the equatorial bulge should be viewed in terms of those existing conditions having resulted from external forces acting upon the dynamic structure of the Earth, in relation to the affects of two or more planetary bodies coming within close proximity of each other. Therefore these distortional affects of flattening and bulging cannot be attributed solely to the naturally occurring processes existing on or within the Earth itself, but may have resulted from the affects of a non-uniform potential involving at least one other planetary body.

It can be shown that vertical affects and horizontal affects cause much different responses, consequently it is important to make distinctions between vertical affects and horizontal affects.

Now we come to another aspect of gravity, as it has been determined that gravity is higher or stronger at the tops of mountains, in that there is a differential in gravity existing between sea level and the tops of mountains existing above sea level.

This circumstance is due to the internal dynamics of the Earth, as a mountain is a vertical extension of the Earth's internal field, whereby there exists a differential in dynamic potential extending from the base of the mountain to its top, with the lower dynamic potential of (ntffa) existing at the top of the mountain.

The underlying dynamic potential of (ntffa) decreases proportionally from the center of the Earth, whereby gravity increases in direct proportion to the dynamic decrease in (ntffa), which allows for the greatest gravitational potential to exist across the surface curve of the Earth. And as a mountain is a vertical extension of the surface curve, the internal dynamics of the Earth have their lowest dynamic potential of (ntffa) located at the tops of mountains existing above sea level, whereby there is more gravity existing at the top of these mountains.

And as (ntffa) is the underlying force determining the condition of field, in terms of both form and function, it is not too difficult to understand that the top of a mountain is the geographic location least capable of supporting physical structure, in relation to the physical structure of a mountain as a whole, which is why mountains tend to taper skyward, as do trees and other physical formations representing a vertical extension of the Earth's internal structure.

It is important to remember that external dynamics and internal dynamics function differently in relation to affecting inversely proportional responses, whereby allowing for a balanced field structure.

And as the rate of (ntffa) is continuously accelerating in four dimensional directions the gravity of our Earth is decreasing in proportion to the continuous increase in (ntffa). Therefore it can be speculatively assumed that the physical structuring of our planet is an ongoing process.

Now we come to free fall and in order to consider the process of free fall it is essential to acknowledge that free fall is associated with the external dynamics of the Earth's field, in that there is both an external and internal condition of field. And if this were not the case, there would be no distinction between an inside condition and an outside condition of field.

Equally the falling mass itself has both an internal condition and an external condition of field.

And in as much as the falling mass is affected by the underlying dynamic force of the field in which it is falling, the falling mass itself must respond in an equal manner to the existing conditions of field in which it exists.

This is why any unsupported mass existing in the external field of the Earth must fall to the Earth's surface, following a direct path toward the center of the Earth, at a rate of acceleration corresponding to the conditions of field, in that the falling mass is following the path of least resistance.

In this respect a free falling mass within the external field of our Earth is observed to be linearly accelerating at a rate of approximately 32.2 feet per second, per second, while the falling mass itself must be non-linearly decelerating in direct proportion the accelerating field in which it is falling.

And it is this proportional dynamic response which causes an equal rate of acceleration to affect two or more unequal bodies of mass in an equal manner.

The underlying dynamic force of (ntffa) is symmetrically accelerating from the nonabsolute outer boundary of Universe to the center of the Earth's core and it is the relative acceleration of (ntffa), existing in the external portion of the Earth's field which determines the rate of free fall to be accelerating at roughly 32.2 feet per second per second.

This is why there is a differential in gravity existing between the Earth and the Moon, with the Moon having the lower gravity. The underlying dynamic force of (ntffa) affecting the external field of the Moon is proportionally higher than the underlying dynamic force of (ntffa) affecting the external field of the Earth.

Therefore there is a proportional decrease in non-linear accelerative resistance corresponding to an increase in (ntffa) and an inversely proportional increase in the linear resistance of the falling mass itself, which in turn reduces the linear acceleration of the falling mass.

Consequently this effectively reduces the rate of free fall towards the lunar surface, but it equally affects a differential in weight, whereby a 100 grams situated on the surface of the Earth is reduced to roughly 17 grams on the surface of the Moon.

The rate of (ntffa) existing across the external surface curve of the Moon is considerably higher than the rate of (ntffa) existing across the external surface curve of the Earth. And as the lunar rate of (ntffa) is continuously accelerating at an ever increasing rate, the external space and motion corresponding to the Earth/Moon system continues to increase.

In relation to the Earth/Moon system the Moon is moving away from the Earth faster than the Earth is moving away from the Moon, due to an accelerating differential in (ntffa) affecting the condition of the Earth/Moon system.

Now we come to something quite amazing, in that the process of free fall and the process of a rocket soaring skyward are both determined by the same underlying dynamic force. The only difference between free fall and a rocket soaring skyward is a differential in the underlying dynamic energy potential existing between the falling mass and the field in which it is falling and a differential in the underlying dynamic energy potential of the rocket and the field in which it is soaring, as both the falling mass and the soaring rocket are responding to the dynamic field in which they exist.

This is why a hydrogen balloon rises skyward, as the inherent underlying dynamic energy potential of elementary hydrogen is sufficient to allow it to overcome the underlying dynamic force of (ntffa) associated with the field in which it exists.

The idea of hydrogen merely being lighter than air does not give us a clear picture of the potential possibilities, as (ntffa) can in fact be modulated in a controlled manner. Thus allowing for a modular field structure capable of modulating (ntffa) in a controlled manner to rise skyward and be returned safely to the ground.

So, a linearly accelerating mass must itself be non-linearly decelerating relative to the condition of field in which it exists, while a linearly decelerating mass must itself be non-linearly accelerating relative to the field in which it exists.

This situation corresponds to the dynamic potential of the mass itself, which allows for a proportional balance in dynamic potential corresponding to the process of flight. As without linear acceleration a rocket would not achieve it's goal, nor would a conventional aircraft fly.

And although this works , it is a very difficult method by which to achieve flight. A simpler method would involve a system affecting the underlying dynamic potential of the aircraft in a positive manner, which would prove less stressful for the aircraft and crew.

And despite the fact that it is impossible to force a stationary conventional aircraft situated on the ground to linearly decelerate it is not impossible to affect an aircraft in such a manner as to increase it's non-linear dynamic energy potential in terms of (ntffa).

To consider the possibility of affecting anti-gravity we only have to examine the dynamic process by which a tree lifts fluid from it's roots to the extremities of it's growth.

It is presently argued that this process involves a pulling action, drawing the fluid up the xylem, while some consider the process to involve a pushing action, while still others consider the process to result from both a pulling and a pushing action, but there is no real evidence to support any of these theories. Yet, despite the respective arguments put forward, the trees continue to lift fluid in an extremely efficient manner.

A tree is capable of lifting fluid as fast as 150 feet per hour and a mature tree can lift roughly 100 gallons of fluid per day, which is a lot of fluid and a lot of lifting. Yet, no one is quite sure how it is done, which is partly due to the fact that the process appears to represent an impossibility, but still the trees lift fluid. And the reason why the process seems impossible is due to the fact that the process appears to defy gravity.

The process by which trees lift fluid up the xylem involves neither a pulling or a pushing, but involves a dynamic function by which the tree is capable of affecting its internal dynamics.

This dynamic process allows the tree to affectively modulate the dynamic motion of the fluid, whereby the tree increases the dynamic energy potential of its internal field in which the fluid is to be lifted, allowing the fluid to rise up the xylem much like a hydrogen balloon would rise skyward in the external field.

The ring structure of the tree is the key to this process, in that the xylem are located along the circumference of each ring, whereby the xylem cells are stacked vertically, one on top of the other, allowing for both horizontal and vertical spacing of the individual xylem cells. Furthermore the individual xylem cells are capable of independent motion in the form of tilting from side to side and back and forth while maintaining a relatively stationary position within the context of the trees physical structure.

The tilting motion of the xylem cells allows for the modulation of the field in which the fluid is to be lifted, lowered or shifted horizontally along the branches, in respect to a focusing of the internal field relative to the external field.

What is so amazing about this process is that it requires a cooperative effort on the part of the xylem cells to focus the field in a manner determining the form and function involved. And without this cooperative effort affecting the focus of field, the process would not work. So there should be no question as to whether a tree is a living organism capable of this cooperative organization.

It must be kept in mind that a tree does not simply lift fluid in a continuous manner, but actually controls the flow of fluid whereby the flow can be reversed, slowed or increased as required.

To fully appreciate this dynamic process it must be remembered that a differential in gravity exists between the roots of the tree and the top of the trunk, in that the internal structure of the tree is an extension of the Earth's internal field , while the outside of the tree is an extension of the Earth's external field, which places the higher gravity at the top of the tree. Consequently it takes more dynamic modulation near the top of the tree than it does at the bottom to maintain a steady rate of flow.

In this respect the new growth is located at the ends of branches and at the top of the tree, which is proportionally tapered, whereby the newer growth is more flexible, which allows for a greater degree of modulation in relation to the vertical and horizontal limitations of field focus associated with trees.

This might sound like science fiction, but Project Unity had designed an (ntffa) modulator prior to discovering the identical process occurring in trees. In other words it was only after the fact that the amazing dynamics of trees was discovered. But it must be noted that the design of Project Unity developed for the sole purpose of modulating (ntffa) is dynamically identical to the naturally occurring modulation system associated with trees.

The shape of the xylem cell is similar to the disc shape of the nickel/cobalt magnets employed in an (ntffa) modulator, including a hole in the center. The hole in the center of each xylem cell allows for the passage of fluid from one cell to the next, while the hole in the center of the magnetic discs allows them to be mounted on a control arm by means of a mounting pin. And in either system, involving the xylem cells and or the magnetic discs, they can be tilted in a manner allowing for the focusing of field.

A tree remains stationary as it is designed to remain stationary in respect to the polarity of the field in which it is situated, as the tree is subject to the horizontal and vertical dynamics of the field in which it exists.

In the case of Project Unity, the (ntffa) modulator is designed for aerodynamic mobility, allowing for lift and thrust, consequently the modulator is inverted in relation to the structure of a tree. But regardless of the inverted design, the basic function remains the same, which is to allow for vertical and horizontal motion.

And as (ntffa) modulation is just as sophisticated as rocket science, it seems a little humorous that an alternative system has been readily available for such an extremely long time, yet completely missed, as the dynamics of a tree affects an anti-gravitational response.

Furthermore, an (ntffa) modulator does not run on jet fuel or any other linearly defined fuel supply, it simply modulates a dynamic differential between itself, which is the relative system of reference, and the field in which it exists, which in turn affects the condition of space and motion remaining relative to the system of reference. It's that simple.

To gain a perspective of an anti-gravitational response we only have to consider the gravitational differential existing between the Earth and the Moon, where a 100 gram weight on the surface of the Earth weighs only about 17 grams on the surface of the Moon, simply because the rate of (ntffa) associated with the lunar field is many times greater that of our Earth's field. So the modulation of field dynamics is hardly an impossible task.

In relation to the idea that gravity holds the planets in orbit around the Sun, we must realize that the gravity existing at the center of the solar mass has a non-absolute value of zero. As it is not a force of gravity which holds the planets in orbit around the Sun.

It is a differential in (ntffa) existing between the Sun and each of the planets which allows the planets to remain in orbit

And as the differential in (ntffa) existing between each of the planets and the Sun is continuously increasing, at a different rate for each of the planets, it can be assumed that the stability of the solar system is cyclical in relation to the various relationships involved.

In other words, the existing planetary orbits are not permanent, but are subject to adjustment, in relation to the various differentials in (ntffa) associated with the various planets, at different times, during their history. So it should not come as a surprise that the Earth should have been located closer to the Sun during historical times. Nor should it seem at all unreasonable to suggest that planets might at different times cross each others orbits or experience near collisions in space, as the underlying dynamics suggest this to have occurred in the past, whereby it will also occur in the future.

So, the present order of the solar field system represents the condition remaining relative to our planet Earth.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

The Electrical Connection

An electric potential is the product of resistance, in relation to a relative differential in the underlying energy of any system.

In our modern world we employ the turning of turbines to produce an electrical potential. And in order to turn the turbines we employ water, gas, coal or nuclear power, believing each of them capable of providing the necessary energy.

An understanding of this situation is imperative in relation to achieving gravity control, as none of these provide a source of energy. But what they do provide is a potential of resistance, in that we have mistakenly labeled or incorrectly named a potential of resistance as a potential of energy.

This error originated with Einstein's concept of a static Universe, in that he assumed an increase in linear velocity produced a proportional increase in energy, but unfortunately an increase in linear velocity does not produce an increase in energy, but affects a decrease in energy.

It should be considered impossible that an increase in velocity should be capable of producing both an increase in resistance to a further increase in velocity and a proportional increase in energy, as energy and resistance must be considered to be opposites in relation to an underlying dynamic force.

This incidentally involves a question of perception, in that we have not previously considered the existence of an underlying dynamic force to be present, which has caused problems to arise.

The most obvious of which manifests itself in our attempts to determine the most efficient method by which to provide for an economical source of energy without knowing exactly what energy is, which makes the job extremely difficult.

Take the idea of a river providing the energy needed to drive a turbine, when in fact the river or the water of the river provides no energy to the process. Water, in relation to the flow of water following the course of a river, follows the path of least resistance, in that the water is itself resistant to anything in it's path. But the water itself provides no energy to anything in it's path as it has no energy to spare regardless of the speed at which it flows.

It is the underlying dynamic force of the accelerating field in which the water exists which provides the energy by which the water is capable of flowing, but does not impart a potential of energy directly to the water.

As the water flows from high ground to low, the water itself loses energy relative to the underlying force of the field in which it is flowing. In other words, as a river flows from a mountain to the sea it follows the path of least resistance as supplied by the underlying field of frequency which is continuously accelerating symmetrically to the center of the Earth, while the river itself loses energy as it flows.

If this were not the case the river would not flow, but would remain frozen, which is exactly what happens when a river freezes in winter. When the temperature of the water drops to freezing the energy of the water is increased by the process of freezing to a point proportional to the field in which it exists, which causes the water to remain stationary.

As simple as this observation might appear it is not at all obvious unless the existence of an underlying force is taken into consideration.

The mere action of water flowing provides an electrical potential, due to the resistant nature of the water flowing relative to the field in which it exists. So the faster the water flows the more resistance is associated with it's flow, which allows water to drive a turbine, which is proportionally resistant to the flow of the water. And due to the turning of the turbine relative to the field in which it exists the turbine produces a measurable increase in resistance in proportion to the speed at which it turns.

This means that the turning turbine is itself losing energy relative to the field in which it exists while increasing it's outflow of resistance relative to the field in which it exists, which is communicated in terms of an electrical charge.

Therefore the process involved in producing an electrical charge is somewhat simplified, as all that is required is a differential in the underlying energy potential at any point within the field.

In other words we don't need water, gas, coal or a nuclear reactor to produce electricity, as all we require is a method by which to modulate a differential in field frequency acceleration relative to the field in which we exist.

And as electromagnetism and gravity are not themselves forces of any kind, but merely dynamic responses to the underlying force, it should not be too difficult to modulate the underlying field sufficiently to moderate both gravity and electromagnetism by means of a simple field frequency modulator.

The resistant nature of an electrical charge should appear obvious to any electrical engineer, in that an electrical charge is the product of resistance and as such could hardly be considered itself to represent a source of energy.

If we mean that energy is something which does work, we are deliberately confusing ourselves and making our quest for new energy systems extremely difficult.

If energy were a resistant force, we would quickly run out of energy, as it would be impossible to sustain the dynamic integrity of physical structure on the basis of a resistant force of energy. In other words, without the continuous acceleration of the underlying force, the integrity of physical structure would fail. Therefore the underlying force of energy must be non-resistant in relation to an increase in energy affecting a decrease in resistance to a further increase in energy.

It is perhaps noteworthy to mention that both Special and General Relativity were formulated on the bases of a static condition, in that Einstein, at the time, believed the condition of Universe to be static.

And if we are to determine an efficient method by which to produce electricity we must embrace the dynamic condition of Universe and make the appropriate corrections, as it is counterproductive to continue on in an erroneous manner.

From this we should realize that gravity control is not simply a matter of getting a physical mass to levitate upon command, but equally allows for a sustainable source of electricity without any further consumption of our natural resources and or any further polluting of our environment.

So, the quest for gravity control represents a significant challenge to our modern world.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Interplanetary Contact

The Apollo Missions put a man on the Moon, but we did not go back as originally planned to establish a permanent base.

The reason for this is rather complex, but nonetheless very important in respect to accessing space and the natural resources of space.

During the Apollo Missions we discovered that lunar materials existed in a non-uniform state relative to our Earth, which means the lunar materials are out of sync with the field of our earthly environment.

We exist in a relatively uniform field of frequency, in relation to our earthly environment. Of course there are anomalies of non-uniformity existing on our Earth, but generally speaking we exist in a fairly uniform field of frequency.

Yet, despite what we have been led to believe, all other planetary bodies maintain a non-uniform relationship with our Earth, in terms of a relative relationship.

This means that the time, space and motion of Universe existing relative to all bodies in space is different, in varying degrees. Some differences are small and others are large, but nonetheless they are different and consequently maintain a non-uniform relationship with each other.

In practical terms, we cannot eat or drink anything originating on another planetary body, nor can we grow our own food on another planetary body even if we bring our own seeds along with us. We cannot drink the water, regardless of it's purity or breathe the air regardless of it's content.

If we eat or drink the resources of another planetary body, that food and drink will cause us to become very ill, as we will suffer genetic deformities and cancer, as well as either accelerated or decelerated growth and or cellular replication, which constitutes a very serious situation, to say the least.

Although we will find identical elements existing elsewhere in the Universe, those elements exist in altered states of non-uniformity relative to our Earth. This means that the rate of field frequency acceleration associated with their field structure is either lower or higher than that here on Earth, in relation to past and or future conditions remaining relative to our Earth's present moment.

Lunar materials for example are historical relative to our Earth, which means they are very old. But they are not old in terms of a uniform relationship, but old in terms of a non-uniform relationship.

If we were to drink water which might exist on the Moon or Mars it would cause distortions to occur in relation to the uniform acceleration of field frequency associated with our body cells. In other words, a non-uniform potential causes our cell structure to become distorted in relation to it's normal form and it's normal function.

This has been experimentally proven, dating back to at least 1971 or earlier, but it is not something which is commonly understood, as the original lunar tests have been censored whereby major portions of the test results have been classified. So, we are led to believe that we might access the resources of space safely without any great difficulty, but this is simply not true.

Without major advances in science and technology we are presently incapable of safely accessing the resources of space in any meaningful manner. In other words, we could access the resources alright, but we can't use them, as they represent a hazard to our health and safety.

So what's the answer? The only way we can safely access the resources of space is to develop a system which allows for a uniform access to the various planets and moons etc. And the only means by which to allow for uniform access is through the application of non-linear dynamics, in the form of instantaneous transformation and or time travel, which provides a means by which to modulate the condition of the materials themselves.

In the most simplest of terms we have to develop a means by which to alter the field frequency of extraterrestrial materials in order that they might correspond with the levels of field frequency associated with of our earthly environment.

Fortunately this is a lot easier than it sounds, as it is possible to modulate the underlying dynamics of any material in relation to affecting an increase and or decrease in field frequency acceleration.

Yet the problem involved here gets a little complicated, as our government and industry are intent on maintaining a nuclear agenda, which was and is a tragic mistake closely related to the problem of non-uniformity associated with extraterrestrial materials.

In attempting to understand the principles governing the underlying dynamics of physical structure one quickly realizes the inherent dangers associated with the nuclear agenda, as our existing concepts of energy and atomic energy is frightfully lacking and in most instances in error.

Nuclear materials exist in a non-uniform state relative to the field in which they exist, so they do in fact cause distortions to the field in which they exist, which in turn affects our environment in a manner similar to that of extraterrestrial materials.

On top of that nuclear materials have extremely low energy potentials, whereby they afford no benefit to the environment of our planet. In fact, their energy levels are so low that they suffer an energy deficiency corresponding to their non-uniform condition.

So, in effect we are caught in a bit of a trap in respect to further development, as further advances in science and technology will also unmask the mistakes of the past, which is not necessarily considered advantageous to many of those in positions of authority.

But, nonetheless we continue to work towards our goal of achieving gravity control.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

The Craft

In attempting to design a craft capable of gravity control it is important to consider the non-linear nature of dimensional proportions, as in relation to a dynamic system the internal portion of field is mush greater than a linear evaluation would otherwise suggest. An increase in (ntffa) accelerating to the center of field extends the time and space involved, whereby the ratio of energy per unit of mass increases to the center of field.

And as we have already discussed, the value of gravity at the center of field is zero, as gravity decreases proportionally to an increase in (ntffa).

So the question is; how do we modulate the underlying dynamic force of Universe in a controlled manner?

Some 30 years ago I drew up a rough sketch to show what I thought an (ntffa) modulator should look like and many years later I discovered a very similar system existing in nature which provides for the modulation of (ntffa), which is quite amazing in itself.

In this respect we can take a look at the xylem in plants and trees, as the xylem are situated in rings which allows for a horizontal and vertical relationship existing between each xylem cell.
And it is this vertical and horizontal relationship which allows for the internal dynamics to be modulated relative to the external field in which the plants and trees exist. And as the xylem can tilt slightly, this allows the xylem to work in a cooperative manner to lift and lower fluids up and down as required.

To get a clear picture of this we can visualize the xylem in terms of a stepped pyramid, as an (ntffa) modulator is an inverted pyramid which is turned inside out in order for it to become circular.

In other words the (ntffa) modulator would consist of a four phase field system, in the form of four tiered rings of magnetic discs with the smallest ring situated at the bottom and the largest at the top. Therefore there are four graduated rings of magnetic discs, each of which is capable of tilting from side to side and up and down, whereby focusing the center of field in any direction. This allows the craft to lift and lower and move in any one of 360 or more directions.

So we have lift and thrust without the consumption of a linear fuel supply.

Now, the problem is that we don't know the sequence of sizing in relation to the graduated size of the four rings which must remain proportional to the size of the magnetic discs. So, in order to know how many magnetic discs are required in each of the four different sized rings we must know the relationship of each ring and each disc, plus the relationship of each disc relative to the size of the rings.

In this respect the discs must be proportioned relative to the rings, while the rings must be proportional to the discs and the lifting, lowering and tilting of each disc must be precisely calibrated as they must move in sync. If one disc is out of sync, it will throw the whole system out of balance.

Knowing how it works is one thing, but getting it to work is quite another. And in order to refine this system requires a systematic process of trial and error.

But the basic idea is to modulate the internal dynamics of the craft relative to the field in which it exists. And although the craft itself represents a system of reference, the craft itself still exists within the field of the Earth, so what we have is a field within a field in terms of a relative relationship.

Each of the discs would be mounted on a control arm, in that the control arm allows the discs to be tilted side to side and up and down.

We're not there yet, but progress is being made.

The Energy

When we consider the possibility of controlling gravity, it is imperative that we know what it is we are dealing with and in this respect we can be assured that gravity is not itself a force of any kind, but merely an affect of an underlying force whereby gravity is a dynamic response.

Energy, is the stuff that allows physical structure, in all it's various forms, to exist in terms of a continuance of field frequency acceleration.

This takes us from the linear perception of physical reality, to the non-linear world of dynamic structure.

Einstein described a four dimensional space/time continuum, which was based on his concept of a static Universe, whereby the linear dimensions of space and the linear duration of time were considered adequate to describe the dimensions of Universe.

As the Universe exists as a dynamic condition it is essential to describe the dimensions of Universe in terms of a dynamic state.

To this end we can use the Earth as our model, whereby the Earth exists as a dynamic continuance of field frequency acceleration, in relation to a unified field of frequency remaining relative to the system of reference.

In other words the field of the Earth extends isometrically from the center of the Earth's core to the outer boundary of Universe and symmetrically from the outer boundary of Universe to the center of the Earth's core.

In relation to the physical structure of planet Earth, the Earth exists as a four dimensional continuance, in that there are four dimensions accelerating in four different directions. And those four directions are; in the direction of rotational spin, from the equator to the North Pole, from the equator to the South Pole and symmetrically to the center of the Earth's core.

As the dimensions of physical structure are dynamic, it is possible to use one single term to describe all four dimensions. And that term is NON-LINEAR TIME FIELD FREQUENCY ACCELERATION, (ntffa), in that (ntffa) is continuously accelerating.

One critical consideration concerning (ntffa) is that the underlying energy of Universe does not radiate but is focused inwardly to the center of field, always.

What radiates is a factor of resistance corresponding to a differential in (ntffa)remaining relative to the system of reference. Therefore there is an upper non-absolute limit and a lower non-absolute limit to (ntffa) associated with every system of Universe, whereby every system of Universe has a different differential of (ntffa).

If the energy of Universe is focused to the center of field, this underlying energy is non-resistant, as an increase in (ntffa) affects a decrease in resistance to a further increase in (ntffa). This would indicate that the energy of Universe remaining relative to the Earth is continuously increasing, whereby the energy potential of the Sun, Moon, planets etc. is also increasing.

Here I must point out that the internal dynamics of the Earth and the external dynamics of the Earth are inversely proportional. This means that gravity decreases from the Earth's surface curve to the perimeter of Universe and decreases from the Earth's surface curve to the center of the Earth's core, in that the gravitational effect at the center of the Earth is zero, in relation to a non-absolute value.

In turn the electromagnetic potential of the Earth remains proportional to the gravitational potential, whereby there is an inversely proportional positive and negative charge associated with the unified field of frequency remaining relative to the Earth.

And in relation to the dynamic structure of the Earth it is physically impossible to access the internal portion of the Earth, as a hole in the ground is an extension of the external dynamics. The same is true of any physical mass, as in breaking any mass into separate pieces merely extends the external dynamics without allowing access to the internal dynamics as the internal dynamics are always on the inside and never on the outside.

Here we come to a key consideration in the development of a saucer craft or gravity control devise, as the internal dynamics must be enclosed in order for the craft or devise to function properly. In other words the control of a craft or a devise originates internally and not externally. The energy of any system is focused to the center of field and the bulk of any system's energy exists internally.

An increase in energy extends the unified field of any system, but at the same time alters the dimensional properties of the space and motion remaining relative to the system of reference.

This is why the Moon is moving away from the Earth faster than the Earth is moving away from the Moon, as the Moon has the higher (ntffa).

In turn the Sun has a much higher (ntffa), and as an increase in (ntffa) affects a decrease in gravity it would seem reasonable to believe that the gravity of the Sun was incapable of holding the planets in orbit as described by Newton.

What holds the planets in orbit around the sun is a differential in (ntffa) existing between each of the planets and the Sun. And in this respect there is a non-uniform differential in (ntffa) existing between each of the planets and the Sun, with the degree of non-uniformity increasing toward the Sun.

So, in order for a craft to employ gravity control, the craft must be equipped to modulate the underlying energy of the craft from within, whereby the internal and external dynamics of the craft can be controlled in an inversely proportional manner.

In other words, gravity cannot be controlled directly, but can be controlled in terms of a dynamic response resulting from the modulation of (ntffa).

The craft itself must represent a unified field of frequency, where the non-simultaneous condition of Universe remaining relative to the craft can be modulated in a controlled manner, whereby affecting the space and motion remaining relative to the craft. Thus allowing the craft to move from here to there without the inherent limitations of a linear based system of propulsion.

Therefore a non-linear drive system is required for the purpose of gravity control.

Friday, June 03, 2005


Gravity causes a falling mass to accelerate toward the surface curve of the Earth, which indicates the non-resistant nature of gravity, as gravity follows the path of least resistance in relation to the external portion of the Earth's field.

In this respect the field in which the falling occurs must itself be accelerating in the same direction as the falling mass.

This would further suggest that a factor of resistance must increase skyward, as the resistance of field decreases downward toward the surface of the Earth.

If the underlying energy of the field increases to the center of the Earth, the energy itself must be accelerating, whereby a falling mass must lose energy in proportion to the increasing energy of the field in which it is falling, otherwise it would not fall.

In other words, the field is non-linearly accelerating while the falling mass is linearly accelerating in relation to the underlying energy associated with the field and the falling mass.

And although the mass is linearly accelerating as it falls, it's energy is non-linearly decelerating relative to the acceleration of the field in which it is falling.
If we could devise a method by which to effectively accelerate the energy of the mass it would not fall, but would rise skyward relative to the field in which it exists.

The gravitational field of the Earth is focused symmetrically to the surface curve of the Earth, whereby there is an isometric field of resistance radiating from the surface curve of the Earth, where the level of resistance increases with altitude.

This causes a mass situated far from the Earth not to fall toward the Earth as there is a high level of resistance preventing an increase in linear acceleration toward the Earth.

A rocket fired from the surface of the Earth must accelerate to a speed of roughly 25,000 MPH to escape the gravitational field of the Earth, despite the fact that gravity decreases proportionally with altitude. This should suggest that rockets are not the most efficient means of escaping the Earth's gravity.

As the rocket accelerates skyward it must be losing energy relative to the field in which it exists, otherwise it would not move, as the process is a linear based concept of propulsion.

This explains why the rocket will fall back if it does not reach the 25,000 mph speed required to break free of the Earth's gravity.

If an aerospace system was gaining energy relative to the field in which it exists it would not fall back even if it did not reach the 25,000 mph speed which is presently thought to be necessary. For as long as it continued to gain energy relative to the field in which it exists, it would continue skyward with no concern for the speed of escape.

At the present we assess an increase in velocity to effect an increase in energy, but this is a false assumption, as an increase in velocity effects an increase in resistance to a further increase in energy, as well as an increase in resistance to a further increase in velocity.

An increase in resistance cannot affect both an increase in resistance and an increase in energy, as it's either one or the other, but not both.

The underlying energy of field is non-resistive, as an increase in energy affects a decrease in resistance to a further increase in energy.

If a falling mass which is accelerating affects an increase in resistance, that increase in resistance would slow it down unless it suffered a loss in energy relative to the accelerating field in which it is falling.

In other words, if the falling mass was gaining energy as it fell it would stop falling, as an increase in the energy of the mass relative to the field in which it exists would offset or counter the acceleration of the field.

Such a gain in energy relative to the field would force the mass to rise to a point where the field of the mass and the field of the Earth were in balance. Any further increase or decrease in energy relative to the field in which the mass is situated would cause the mass to either rise of fall.

So, there is a better way to get into space after all.
